Visiting times:

Visiting outside of these hours may be arranged by contacting the Ward Sister.
Visiting is currently facilitated for 1-2 family members only

Visits from family and friends can play an important part in patient care and recovery. If you are planning to come to the Clinic to see a patient, you’re welcome to call ahead and speak either to ward staff or the patient directly to arrange a suitable time.

When you arrive, please let the receptionist know who you’re here to see so they can liaise with the ward staff.

Infection Control

We follow very strict guidelines for infection control, so we ask all visitors to wash their hands before and after visiting patients and to use the hand gel provided throughout the building.

Telephone contact and personal visits are welcomed (subject to the patient’s medical condition). However, to ensure that patients have regular quiet time to rest and recuperate, we suggest that visitors do not visit during patient mealtimes or after 9.30pm.

Comfortable day rooms are located on each ward level. Patients and visitors are welcome to enjoy tea/coffee facilities in these areas.

Children Visiting

Please note that only Patient's own children (or siblings in the case of a child) are permitted to visit patients.

Flowers, fruit baskets & gifts

If you’d like to arrange for a gift of flowers or fruit to be delivered to a patient, please feel free to do so.

Mobile phones

Mobile phones may only be used in patients’ private rooms. Do not use them in corridors or clinical rooms. Please note that mobile phones and other electronic devices must not be used for photographic or recording purposes. This is to ensure maximum privacy and confidentiality for everyone.


We have a strict no-smoking policy in place throughout the Clinic for all patients, visitors and staff. Note: use of vapes and e-cigarettes is also prohibited.