I am a full-time Consultant Otolaryngologist in the NHS, employed by Belfast Trust since 2008 with a part time private practice in the Ulster Independent Clinic since 2009. I was awarded Certificate of Completion of Specialist Training by the Postgraduate Medical Education Board in 2006 after training in the Northern Ireland Deanery. I graduated MB BCh from Queen’s University in Belfast in 1995 and registered as ENT Specialist with the General Medical Council of the UK (Number 4207502) in January 2007. I am vice president of the Irish Otolaryngology Society and served 5 years as council member for British Association of Paediatric Otolaryngologists. My sub-specialist training in paediatric surgery was in Sick Kids Hospital, Toronto, Canada for 2 years. I am an Assigned Educational Supervisor in the Belfast Trust responsible for teaching and training surgical registrars. My Master’s thesis was published on investigation of deafness in children and I have research publications investigating the ear and central auditory pathways. I receive approximately 60 medico-legal instructions per year from claimants’ and defendants’ solicitors. I have attended basic and advanced training in the duties and requirements of medico-legal expert witnesses with Jonathan Dingle (barrister) at The Chartered Institute of Arbitrators in London.
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