Dr Kerr works as a lead consultant in Northern Ireland's tertiary referral stroke centre, within the regional neuroscience centre. He is a specialist in the diagnosis and management of all aspects of stroke and vascular neurology.
Adults with acute and/or recurrent attacks of neurological symptoms such as.....
- weakness/ numbness/ tingling of face, arm or leg
- speech disturbance
- visual disturbance
- unsteadiness/ loss of balance
- confusion/ memory loss
- dizziness/ vertigo
- suspected Transient Ischaemic Attack
- management of stroke related problems, eg cognitive, mood, movement, pain, spasticity issues
- management of arterial/ vascular abnormalities of the brain
- 'Fits, faints, falls, and funny turns'
Dr Kerr's other areas of specialist interest include-
- Memory problems / suspected dementia
- 'Functional Neurological Disorder' or suspected 'psychosomatic' neurological symptoms
- Tremor and movement disorders in people over 50 years old
- Migraine
Dr Kerr is also a trained Consultant Geriatrician and senior lecturer in Elderly Care Medicine at Queen's University Belfast, with expertise in 'Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment' of people over 60 years with problems such as-
- Frailty
- Functional decline / mobility problems
- Cognitive decline
- Falls and bone disease
- Advance care planning for end of life
- Ethical dilemmas
- Complex medication issues