Migraine Clinic


Migraine Clinic

Our migraine clinic is a specialised healthcare facility dedicated to the diagnosis, treatment, and management of migraines and related conditions. Equipped with cutting-edge technology and specialists in the field of neurology, these clinics provide comprehensive care and tailored treatment plans for patients

Reasons to visit the Migraine Clinic

You might need to visit a migraine clinic for a number of reasons. Perhaps, over-the-counter medications don't help alleviate your migraine symptoms, or your headaches are severe and frequent, affecting your quality of life. Our Migraine clinic specialists have the expertise to perform comprehensive evaluations and provide effective treatment modalities.

  • You have frequent, severe migraines that don't respond to typical treatments.
  • Your migraines affect your daily life or job performance.
  • You experience unusual symptoms along with your migraines like vision changes or numbness.
  • Over-the-counter medications offer little to no relief.

Process and Preparation

When preparing for your visit to a migraine clinic, it's important that you keep a headache diary, documenting the nature and frequency of your migraines. List any symptoms and potential triggers, as well as medications and other treatment methods you've tried. This information aids the doctors in accurately diagnosing and treating your migraines.

Your preparation will go a long way towards helping you receive the best care at the clinic. Migraine treatments can be life-changing, but they need thorough preparation and a collaborative relationship between you and your healthcare provider.


Migraine Clinic

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